Monthly Archives: June 2014


Today started off like any other day. Got the kids ready, headed out to our Thursday church Connect Group (got kids settled in for their church playtime), had a great time, headed home,  tucked everyone in for their naps, hopped on the computer w/ my free moment, and BAM.  I see that PiYO (Beachbody’s newest fitness program) was JUST released….ahead of schedule! Right now, Beachbody’s annual convention is going on in Vegas. I “wish” I was there to take part in all the trainings, certifications, info sessions, and pick up loads of amazingly cool gear only available there – at Summit, BUT I know that my heart wouldn’t have been there – leaving a nursing 4 month old behind (or in a hotel room) along with my 2 and 3 year olds (who I think would do just fine but “I” would have separation anxiety from for sure!)  But I digress.  Anyways, I checked into the live stream (so I can at least stay up to date with all the latest business happenings) and got the inside scoop that PiYO was released TODAY!


SO, I’m sure you’re wondering – “what the heck is PiYo?” I know I would be thinking that for sure….  Basically, it’s a 60 day, low-impact but high intensity workout that combines pilates and yoga to sculpt long, lean muscles and burn fat.  Unlike “traditional” yoga or pilates movements where you have to hold positions forever, PiYo’s movements flow into one another with no time lapses in between. These fluid movements help you burn calories faster – and get much quicker results.  It’s a total body workout, developed by the amazing, supportive, energetic, beautiful trainer Chalene Johnson, that will not only help you to elongate your body, but will also help to increase your balance and flexibility. Did I mention you don’t even have to wear shoes (you can wear cross trainers if you prefer though) and can do it from the comfort of you own living room floor? WIN.

Could it be right for you?  This workout would be great for someone who: – doesn’t want to exercise w/ equipment or weights – lives above someone else and can’t be making all sorts of noise by jumping around to exercise (ever had the neighbor who pounded on the wall to tell you to be quiet?) – has joint issues (this workout is low-impact so that stress is taken off your joints) – is already muscular and looking to elongate their physique or improve flexibility – is looking to tone, tighten, and elongate their muscles/body If you fall into any one of those categories, this could be the perfect fit for you!


So, what will you get with your workout? – 8 workouts, each ranging from 25-45 mins long – starter guide – Get Lean eating plan – 60 day workout calendar – tape measurer to track your progress – FREE bonus workout DVD (by ordering through me) – ME as your coach 🙂 AND, when you purchase the workout NOW through the end of JULY in a discounted Challenge Pack (comes with your complete PiYo workout AND a month’s supply of Shakeology), there’s an introductory SPECIAL price for an even better DEAL (and I’m aaaaaall about the deal…). The regular price of this discounted challenge pack is $160, but through July, it’s being offered at the introductory price of $140.  The hype for this product is already HUGE and if it’s anything like the 21 Day Fix that was just released in February, it’s bound to sell out within the first few days!

SO, with all that being said. Are you in? Are you ready to commit to improving your nutrition with Shakeology? Looking to increase your flexibility and strengthen, tone, and elongate those muslces?  Ready to get started NOW?  Click HERE to order. I’ll be starting a July PiYo Challenge Group, and anyone who orders through me will get the opportunity to join in on it!

Mini couponer here!

With all those episodes of “Extreme Couponer’s” nowadays, it gets one thinking “hey, I can do that too!” Or, “One of these days, I will be able to do that!” “Maybe I’ll get around to using a coupon next shopping trip.”  “Wait, how DO I use coupons exactly?” Or perhaps more aptly, “What the heck are they going to DO with ALL THAT STUFF?!”  I have to admit, I’ve thought all of the above at one point or another.

I love saving money where I can (within reason) and for me, couponing is right up my alley! I’ve been using coupons here and there now for years (especially when we lived in FL since things were so much cheaper to begin with, coupon values were higher than here in Hawaii, and subsequently, the deals were SO much better! Moving back to Hawaii, moving while here “in” Hawaii, adding another member to our family, etc etc….I’ve fallen off the couponer bandwagon.  YET, now that things are slowing down and I’ve been getting into a rhythm, I’ve been starting to slowly dip my feet into the coupon craze once again – stocking up on deals as I see them (or read about them). I fully understand that initially, the coupon world is overwhelming, confusing, and perhaps even a bit intimidating, so I want to start sharing my coupon deals when I can to break it down – everyone deserves to get these deals!  SO, here’s what I bought today, spending just $6.91 from one of my favorite stores, TARGET!…


Here’s how it breaks down:

– 2 L’Oreal Boost It Mousse $4.49 each
– 4 L’Oreal Lock It Hairspray $3.94 each
– 1 ultra soft, super comfy pair of hot orange lounge pants – on clearance at 70% off – for $7.18 (Yep, these pants alone cost MORE than what I paid out of pocket for EVERYTHING)

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Right now at Target, there’s a special where for every L’Oreal advanced hairstyle product you purchase, you would receive a FREE trial sized L’Oreal shampoo or conditioner. I could’t find them for the life of me, so I finally asked a manager and he said that their shipment of those “freebies” hadn’t arrived yet, so in lieu of that, they were taking $1 off of each product (where one of these freebies was advertised) at the registers (since those trial sized items are usually about $1 anyways). SO, this immediately brought the mousse down to $3.49 each and the hairsprays down to $2.94 each. Already pretty good deals!

From this point, without using any coupons, my total out of pocket should have been $26.91. But of course, this is a post about couponing right? So bring on the coupons!

If you go to, you’ll be able to find a L’Oreal coupon for $5 off 2 L’Oreal Advanced Hairstyle products. I printed 3 of these – 2 off of my computer and 1 off of my phone (you can print 2 of the same coupons per device, so I frequently print things from my computer, iPhone, and iPad if I find great coupons!). Since I was buying 6 L’Oreal products, I was able to use 3 of these $5 off coupons for a total of $15 off.  I always make sure to read the fine print on my coupons to make sure that you’re allowed to use multiple coupons in 1 transaction.  (Usually, it’ll state “no more than 4 of like coupons to be used in same transaction”.)  The last discount I used was a $5 off $15 personal care purchase via a Target Mobile coupon. In the personal care aisles at Target, there are signs posted all over the place about how to get these mobile coupons  (text “care” to 827438), then show the cashier the text barcode to scan. SO easy.  Once you sign up for those Target Mobile coupons – you’ll periodically receive texts with new offers. ALWAYS worth a browse….I’ve been able to get discounts on fresh fruits, veggies, paper products, detergents, etc…all on things I was going to buy anyways!

SO, here’s an overview on how my coupons broke down:
– Mousse (x2) – $4.49 x2 = $8.98
– Hairspray (x4) – $3.94 x4 = $15.76
– Super comfy sweats (on clearance) – $7.18
TOTAL before ANY discounts = $31.92

– $31.92-$6 (minus $1 on each L’Oreal product since they didn’t have the free trial sized items w/ purchase) = $25.92
– $25.92-$15 (3 $5 off 2 L’Oreal Advanced Hairstyle coupons) = $10.92
– $10.92-$5 (Mobile Coupon – $5 off $15 personal care purchase) = $5.92
-$5.92 +TAX (however the math for that factors in) = $6.91 TOTAL out of pocket.  Since the pants alone were $7.18 which is MORE than my end total, this means that I actually made money (to use towards those pants) from purchasing these 6 hair products. I’ll take “making” money while shopping anyday! Even if your Target has those trial items in stock (the free gift with purchase) and therefore isn’t taking off the extra $1 per item, you’ll still end up with free trial sized items, and spending about a buck (give or take) on each item.  That’s still a DEAL in my book!

Now, before you go thinking that I’m hoarding hairspray (and mousse), I just wanted to say that they’re not all for me! I barely even use hair product (aside from plain old shampoo/conditioner), but my mom does, and I’ll be delivering all these this weekend to her:

See, wasn’t that fairly easy? Who wouldn’t want to coupon and get free or super cheap items?! 🙂

June Beachbody Specials!

It’s the start of a new month meaning NEW specials!  The month of June is all about Mr. Shaun T – with TWO of his amazing Challenge Pack specials:

INSANITY Challenge Pack (the discounted Challenge Pack price is regularly $205) on SALE for $160 this month!  This is the LOWEST price this Challenge Pack has EVER been offered at, so if you’re been thinking about it, NOW is the time to scoop it up!  INSANITY is a total body conditioning program designed to completely transform your body in 60 days through interval training.  It is the #1 fitness program in America and will easily have you burning up to 1,000 calories/hr without having to use weights or any equipment.  With this Challenge Pack, you’ll receive the INSANITY fitness program, a bag of Shakeology, and a 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club where you will have access to online chats with trainers, a menu and grocery planner, and all the tips, tricks, and recipes you could ever need.  Click HERE to hear about this INSANITY June special right from the man himself – Shaun T 🙂

HipHopAbs_logo_vector Rockinbody_logo_hi_res
– Shaun T Dance Party Challenge Pack – (the discounted Challenge Pack price is regularly $160) on SALE this month for $140.  This Challenge Pack will include 2 workout programs – Hip Hop Abs and Rockin’ Body – along with a month of Shakeology and free 30 day online access to Beachbody Club Membership.  Hip Hop Abs is a 30 day program that focuses on your core through a dance-like workout and will get you fit through Shaun’s “Tilk, Tuck, & Ticken” technique.  It has easy to follow, step by step moves, and no, you don’t have to already be a dancer to benefit from this workout 😉  Rockin’ Body focuses on getting a great workout through dancing and has fantastic music that will get you pumped and help you to easily forget that you’re actually “working out.” Click HERE to hear about this Dance Party June special again, from the man – Shaun T :-p

Shakeology_Greenberry-thumbShakeology_logo_with_tag_HR Shakeology_Chocolate-thumb
Again, both of these Challenge Packs include a month’s supply of Shakeology – your daily dose of dense nutrition. This superfood shake includes 70+ ingredients sourced from all over the world into a tasty, vitamin and nutrient packed shake that will help to cleanse and detox your body while supplying a boost of energy in a natural, non-artificial, organic way. *Say that 3X’s fast! lol…* Shakeology alone is regularly $129.95/month, so getting either of these Challenge Packs at $160 or $140 respectively is a FANTASTIC deal!…it’s like getting the workout programs for $30 for INSANITY or just $10 for the Dance Challenge if you were already planning on getting Shakeology anyways.

Ready to make a change and UP your fitness?!  If you’re perhaps already an athlete and looking at improving your conditioning , or wanting to finally get that muscle definition you’ve always wanted, or just ready to go all in and give it your all – INSANITY may be just the program for you!  Click HERE for more info or to order.  If you prefer a workout more geared around tightening your core (get that 6-pack!) with great, energetic, upbeat DANCE music, then Shaun T’s Dance Challenge Pack may be right up your alley! Click HERE for more info on it or to order.

These specials are good for all of June, but remember, the quicker you order, the quicker you’ll receive your program and be able to get your butt in gear!